General Articles

Preparing Well for a Road Trip

Early fall is a great time to take a road trip. The bulk of the tourist season is over in most places, children have returned to school and people are back at work leaving a lot of very interesting places more easily accessible. On top of that you get to see all of the fall foliage along the way. There are a few steps you should take to ensure that you encounter fewer problems while on vacation.

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A Roadworthy Vehicle

Don’t just cross your fingers and hope that your older tires are going to make it halfway across the country on a road trip. Have your tires checked and rotated, and if needed replace them. It will be well worth avoiding any accident you may have had otherwise. Have all of the fluids, belts and filters checked out to make sure they can take the strain. Visit an Arlington WA Read more

General Articles

Auto Collision Repair in Fort Worth, TX

You may have heard the saying, “Accidents happen” many times throughout your life. But when it happens to you and your car, it really hits you – literally. And even if you come out unscathed, your car doesn’t. It’s all scratched up and has major dents. In this case, auto collision repair fort worth may be just what you need. You want your car to look its best, so visit a repair shop that’s ASE certified that can do the job right.

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Getting Your Car Back to Pristine Condition

Some auto body shops offer a variety of services you can take advantage of to get your car looking like new again. Some services include collision repair, auto body repair, dent/scratch removal, bumper repair, and paintless dent repair (PDR).

When you bring your car to your shop of choice, an auto repair technician will assess the damages, tell you what services … Read more

General Articles

Be Safer on the Road With These Tips

For many adults in today’s world, getting behind the wheel of a motor vehicle is necessary on a regular basis. Driving is widely considered a routine activity, and yet it is also one of the most dangerous things that people do each day. To make your time on the road safer, consider following the tips outlined below.

Drive safer this spring with these driving tips

Adjust Your Speed Based on Road Conditions

In general, it is best to obey the posted speed limit on whatever road or highway you happen to be using, but this can change based on the circumstances at any given time. If it is raining or snowing and the pavement is wet, drivers will find it more difficult to stop and may skid due to slippery conditions. At night, when it is more difficult to see, driving can be challenging. If there is any precipitation or you are driving in the dark, it is … Read more

General Articles

Factors of Selecting New Oil Seals

One of the most common causes of issues in hydraulic systems is faulty seals. This can happen for a number of reasons, from chemical or thermal degradation to manufacturer fault or just regular wear and tear. When it comes time to replace a worn or damaged oil seal, you want to be sure you’re picking out the right replacement. Here are some factors to consider for matching a new seal to the system it’s for.

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Seals must be able to tolerate the expected range of temperatures within the hydraulic system, both during operation and at rest. High temperatures cause the material to melt or harden and become brittle, but low temperatures can also damage seals by contraction, weakening flexibility and allowing leaks. Anticipate the likely temperature range and select seal materials with that in mind.


A seal exposed to excessive pressure will likely fracture, possibly leading to … Read more

General Articles

Here’s What to Know When Your Car Wash Equipment Needs Repair

It might be one of the most common pitfalls in the car wash industry. With so many moving parts and such wear and tear by the consistent flow of customer traffic, repair and maintenance services are integral to operating a consistently profitable business. Fortunately, those entrepreneurs who find the right professionals to partner with along the way will have an ally they can trust when things go wrong.

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Know Which Experts Have Your Back

Like finding any pro to handle a specific job, car wash repair services require a true craftsman’s touch. For that reason, anyone in the business should pay special attention to picking the right person or firm for the job. Look for a service provider with a proven record of meeting the needs of various business owners with similar car wash locations in the community.

Know What Needs to Happen Going Forward

After a piece of equipment … Read more