3 BMW Maintenance Tips

How to look after your turbocharged car | Autocar

For many BMW owners, their car isn’t just a means of getting from point A to point B, it is one of their most prized possessions. Proper maintenance is critical to keep your BMW in top shape. These three tips can help you keep your BMW running and looking new.

1. Don’t Put Maintenance Off

Taking your BMW in to be serviced probably isn’t real high on your list of fun things to do; however, putting off regularly scheduled maintenance can increase your chances of being in a car accident, reduce the life span of your vehicle and lead to small problems being undetected until they become large expensive problems. Take your BMW to a BMW full service diagnostics & repair Virginia Beach VA shop regularly for inspection and repair.

2. Park in the Shade

UV rays from the sun can damage the interior and exterior of your vehicle over time. When parking your vehicle at home, it is best to always park it in a closed garage. When you are out and about, try to find parking in a parking garage, or under a shady tree. Putting a car shade in your windshield and covers on your seats can help reduce the sun exposure of your car interior. 

3. Keep Your Car Clean

Keeping your car clean helps keep it looking its best. It also helps keep it running. Dirt can accumulate in the components of your vehicle, causing wear and tear that can lead to both aesthetic and mechanical damage. Additionally, you are more likely to stick to your maintenance routine if you take pride in maintaining the appearance of your car than if you allow it to become dirty and neglected looking.

A BMW represents a significant financial investment and is a prized possession for many owners. These maintenance tips can help you keep your BMW looking and run its best.