Rifle handling tips- Should you witness fighting in your vehicle?

Every day, we typically spend a few minutes or even hours , in or in the vicinity of our cars. This could include traveling between work and home or perhaps making use of our car as an office mobile.

Even after the workweek is done, we tend to gather our children and spouse and take them to a vehicle to take us to the place we want to go for a leisure trip. Why do we often skip the inclusion of vehicles in our training program? What is the reason we tend to overlook the training needed to succeed in and around our bullet trap?

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Urban Legend would lead us to believe that fighting in front of the vehicle is equivalent to standing on a soccer pitch, in the hope of not getting shot. This isn’t far from reality. In this piece, I’m going to bring out a number of aspects.

The first is being prepared and knowing where and how to make use of the vehicle as a cover. The next step is to determine specific locations to improve the cover or concealment of the vehicle.

Straight out of the box I’ll explain the “not too obvious” for the average gun owner. Vehicles can be great sources of concealment and cover. Vehicles might not always stop shots however, in many instances that bullets get destroyed until they become ineffective after they have left the side that is friendly to the vehicle.

The friendlier side is the side you’re on, regardless of where that may be. A lot of self-professed tactical experts will blatantly make the assertion that all bullets, including shotgun slugs cannot be prevented by a car’s door or even the modern day compact car. This is the hard and cold reality that you aren’t aware of.

There is no one who knows for sure. I’ve seen bullets, to include the Slugs, slowed by just a small and medium-sized door to a car. Do the odds favour that a cute Prius could save you from a flurry of AK or 12 gauge slugs? Not at all However, if your car is the only cover that is available, I would like to know how to utilize it in this way.

After shooting hundreds of vehicles in my time with the Army and, more recently, as a shooting instructor for tactical purposes instructing our Streetfighter Training Course There are a few frequent occurrences. I don’t say this every time because it is impossible to predict with certainty what is going to take place. But there are a few aspects that appear to be true. 

One of them is the use of angles to assist in deflecting bullets that are coming. Some examples can be seen behind doors, and within the compartment behind which the engine is.

If you’ve dismounted your vehicle and are now seated behind that “V” in front of an opening door, there are some ways to make your position more efficient. The first tip I’d suggest is to use the door as a cover to stay low and at a low level as you confront the danger.

If you opt to cover your head with the hood and engine compartment for cover There are a few tips here that will keep your head secure. Maintaining as low as you can is not a problem however sometimes we are unable to reach the lowest point because we’re not in the right position. The cover can be crowded in this situation since when we are shot at, it’s common sense as well as human instinct to gather to protect ourselves. When you are close to the vehicle, you must now confront the danger.

When you put your carbine on top of your hood, place it on either side. This allows the head to remain lower than the standard horizontal position. It takes time, so make sure you head for the range but be sure of not shooting your vehicle. Personally, I would prefer using specially designed range vehicles or wooden barricades in order to mimic the battleground.

There are some techniques to speed up and control your carbine from this angle. One of them is using your sling to anchor, if you can. I like to grasp the sling with my support hand, and then move the rifle forward in order to push my knuckles into the vehicle. This allows your shoulder to assist in controlling recoil with the knuckles as well as the sling to keep control of the muzzle.

If you are required to engage a close target in your Junkyard Prone position remember your offset. It’s easy to miss a head-shot if you do not take into account the offset. A good example is when you place it on the left and shoot at a distance of 5 meters or less. Your bullet is likely to hit about 2.5 inches right to the intended target. This can determine the gap between hitting or missing. It takes time and practice to pinpoint your grip quickly.