No matter how good your sales team is, if you can not get customers to come to your lot, you will not sell many vehicles. Consider adding these three ways to attract customers to your dealership to your marketing plan.

1. Offer Promotional Items
People love free stuff. Offering customers fun or useful car dealership promotional items Puyallup WA can be a great way to get customers to visit your lot. Additionally, offering customers items such as license plate frames or key fobs that have your company logo on them can turn your customers into billboards for your business.
2. Have a Contest
If you have a big sales event that you want to attract a lot of potential customers to, you might consider offering a high-value prize, such as a free car, a barbeque grill, or a vacation. However, smaller prizes, such as a gift card to a local restaurant, can also bring in traffic. For the best results, structure your contest in a way that allows you to collect useful information from potential customers, gets the customers to physically come to the lot, offers a good enough prize to get people interested and is something fun for the customers to participate in.
3. Be the Expert
One way to get customers to choose your lot over the lot across the street is to build a reputation as the local expert on the products you sell. Customers have a lot of options when it comes to places to buy a vehicle. If you can convince them that your expertise will help them select the perfect vehicle for their needs, they are much more likely to choose you.
Auto sales is an extremely competitive industry. Getting customers to visit your dealership is half the battle of making a sale. These three ways of attracting customers can help you win that battle.