Relocating with your own car is a great way to save money on moving costs. Paying a moving company to shift all of your belongings could be pricey, not to mention the extra services that can make packing and unpacking a breeze. Although using your own vehicle is a great alternative to a truck rental or getting a moving company, it is not for everyone. You have to consider the size of the car and the weight capacity it can carry.
Long-distance home relocation using a personal car is only recommended for small households. Assess if your car can endure a long relocation journey. If you are unsure, here are the steps to help you plan for moving your car and furniture long distances.
1. Check your car
As mentioned, do not exceed the capacity of what your car can carry. Try not to even reach the maximum weight allowed, to ensure safety. Remember that it will be more of a hassle to fix a car in the middle of your long-distance travel. It is recommended to prepare your car 1 or 2 days before the travel date, making sure that it is working well.
2. Check for prices
Compute the cost you would need to pay, in comparison to doing the relocation yourself and hiring long distance movers. There might be a small difference between your travel cost and the amount you have to pay with the movers.
3. Check your furniture
Not all furniture looks sturdy, some of them may not withstand long-distance travel. There is also furniture that may not be fixed back after disassembly. Make sure to check the furniture thoroughly before you decide to bring them along with you. It will not be worth it carrying items that will be broken while in transit.
4. Check long-distance movers
It may be costly, but there are moving companies that can move your car and your furniture at the same time. The growing number of review sites and blogs can help you decide on which company is the best for the said service. It might only have a small difference with the travel cost and paying a company to do it. Some may say that there is no price equivalent to having peace of mind.
5. Check for the small things
Using your own car for the relocation may get your full attention on how to fit the big items in your vehicle. This can cause to overlook the important things that are small in sizes, such as valuable documents, jewellery, and other personal important belongings. Creating a checklist will help you prepare for these items.
6. Check the travel time
If you are sure to use your car for long-distance travel, prepare yourself for the ride. Ask someone that can replace you in driving if you feel tired and sleepy along the way. Plan for the roads you need to take and create a contingency plan, just in case.
Long-distance move using your own car and carrying furniture is no joke. It may seem easy to travel from point A to point B with this situation, but not all cars are fit to endure a heavy workload. If you are hesitant to use your own car in relocating, there will always be moving companies that can do the work for you. It ensures that your items will be well taken care of, giving you peace of mind.